Jaelyn Jones

Even though it’s early in the school year, college is right around the corner for juniors and seniors. From October 2nd to October 16th, colleges like University of Maryland (UMD), Catholic University, Notre Dame of Maryland (NDMU), Towson University (TU), and Roanoke College had their representatives come by NHS to speak to the students about what their college has to offer. With these colleges coming through, it brought the attention of students that are going to college next year or even a few years from now. 

  But college representatives weren’t the only ones who stopped by to influence students to join. The US Army, US Air Force, and US Marine Corps came to NHS and spoke to students about joining the military. They even brought a pull up bar for the students to try and test themselves! To help seniors and juniors out even more, NHS is hosting the 2024 college fair on October 15th from 6pm – 8pm. More than 15 schools are going to the college fair to share knowledge about the school they’re representing and impact the students to communicate about what they want to do.

  There are a variety of ways that students pick what they’re going to do after high school. After small interviews, Junior Tim Cain said, “It depends on what scholarships I get from playing football and how my grades are looking.” Another way to pick is from childhood dreams. Junior Audrey Biggs said, “I’ve wanted to go to Florida State since I was eight. I love their colors, and the education is nice too.” Interest in colleges comes in a larger variety.

  Surprisingly, many juniors and seniors aren’t even nervous to go to college or leave high school. All the students interviewed, juniors and seniors alike, said that they aren’t nervous but more excited than anything. Some students believe early planning is the way to go.This is to stop anxiety towards the end of the school year. This also helps avoid plans that are rushed and not fully thought out.

  To be helpful for sophomores in the future, juniors and seniors gave some advice. The students had many helpful tips such as to not slack on their work. Also, prioritizing school and your grades is very important, don’t make parties or friends your focus during the school year. Keeping your grades up will be your best bet, so you don’t fall behind.

By JaelynJ